Golden opportunities look like dirt

Golden opportunities look like dirt

Every time I took a step up in my career, it started with grinding through something unpleasant. Many only see trees in full bloom, but fail to recognise the abundantly available seeds that can be made to flourish by putting in a little time and energy.

When you start solving problems others don't want to, eventually, the situation turns golden because you wiped all the dirt off of it. The gold is yours to keep because you found it and owned it when it was just a huge pile of dirt that others avoided.

The obvious golden opportunities already belong to someone else, and it's always going to be expensive to acquire. But dirt is cheap.

It's easy today to learn the syntax of a new language, create REST APIs, or use databases of different kinds. But not easy to learn to build your own database, predictably scale applications, or keep your cloud costs down. The latter comprises seeds that need help flourishing.