Acting like a black box

Acting like a black box
Photo by Milad Fakurian / Unsplash

We start learning programming very passionately. Yet, as we master it, everything becomes boring. We become too close to the action to see the results we were producing. Here's a way out of that.

What makes us passionate about coding is the cool stuff that people create. If you like Iron Man, you can see that the movie depicted what he created rather than the specific steps of the how. With programming, however, we ignore what we can build and become entangled in the "how."

A better way is to look at yourself as a blackbox and focus on results you can produce. Instead of "writing software," you automate tedious tasks, ensure cabs arrive on time, provide better healthcare, and a lot more. Like a magician, you'll never get to see through your audience's eyes, but why let that stop you from creating miracles?